Monday, November 1, 2010

Thankful for small favors that are not so small

William-Adolphe Bouguereau, Rest, 1879
Years ago, I quit a job in haste. I was working for a bully and one day finally got fed up and gave my notice. Later that day I called a friend to make plans for lunch. Her husband owned a few local bookstores, so I when I called I said, "I just quit my job, are you hiring?" She thought I was kidding. When she realized I wasn't, she put in a good word for me with one of their managers, and before my notice was over I had a new job at a bookstore. I only planned to stay there for a summer, but I wound up staying for eight years until the business closed for good in late 2008.

Tonight, we said goodbye to her husband. He battled cancer for many years, and passed away late last week. Clearly exhausted, she moved among her friends and family, expressing concern over their grief and loss. I wanted to take her home, fix her a cup of tea, and make her sit and rest. Tomorrow is the funeral, so there will be more socializing and comfort to be given, and hopefully shared. After that, two young children to care for and a life to put back into motion again. Promises were made to spend time together soon, and we will. But I wish I could find the magic that would wipe the tiredness from her eyes and give her some peace.

As for the gratitude? I wish I could thank him for the job, but really she is the one I should thank. Without her help my life would not be crowded with such wonderful people, including another friend who accompanied me to the viewing tonight, shared memories and my hope for better days ahead. It was such a small thing that became and continues to be so much more, and I am so very grateful.

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